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Plating Capabilites

Precious Plate deposits tin and tin/lead on metal strip and stamped components for many industries including the electrical connector and automotive industries. We offer selective spot, selective stripe, additive masking, tin reflow, and wide stock plating to meet a variety of your tin plating needs and, we will work with your engineers to customize tin plating lines to provide RoHS-compliant, lead-free tin in both matte and bright finishes.

More about tin plating and tin/lead plating

Tin PlatingThe electrodeposition of tin and tin/lead can enhance base materials by improving solderability of otherwise unsolderable parts. It also improves the corrosion resistance of corrosion-susceptible material.  This can be important in a variety of applications, especially in the electrical connector and automotive industries.

Precious Plate also offers wide-stock plating for automotive and other industries that use tin plated coil-stock for subsequent stamping.

Tin Reflow Plating combats tin whiskers

To combat the issue of tin whiskers sometimes found with electroplated pure tin, Precious Plate offers a tin reflow process. Tin reflow is a proven tin whisker mitigation strategy.

Benefits of tin plating and tin/lead plating

  • Tin offers excellent solderability
  • Tin can cover a wide range of shapes and components
  • Tin provides corrosion resistance

Processes of tin plating and tin/lead plating

Contact us to discuss your custom tin or tin/lead plating project today!